Founded more than four score and five years ago with the stated purpose: "to interchange ideas about Abraham Lincoln; to promote the study of his life and times; to assist in the investigation of his career; and to distribute authentic information about his work and character."

The Lincoln Group of Boston meets several times a year.  Our luncheon gatherings are informal and allow our members, whether old friends or recent acquaintances, to discuss research and scholarship in the Lincoln field.​

​The Lincoln Group of Boston enjoys friendships with similar organizations throughout the country; supports the major publications in Lincoln and the Civil War history; and maintains connections with several academic and private repositories caring for major Lincoln collections.

Click here to read some of Lincoln's most popular speeches.

And check us out on the social media links below for even more!

the Lincoln Group of Boston


Founded, 1938

"The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships."

Abraham Lincoln, 1849